Using relative paths in your

Several important settings in your [Django project’s][settings] are annotated with warnings about the need for
absolute path names. When I start a new project with the development
server I don’t want to have to think what directory my MEDIA_ROOT should
point to. Isn’t all that going to change anyway when it’s deployed to
the gigantic server in the sky?


My first tip is that when you are running the development server, you
*can* get away with relative paths. Paths will be relative to the
directory you were in when you started the development server (in my
case I always `cd ~/my_project && ./ runserver` so that
means relative to my project’s directory).

Therefore if you want to keep project-wide templates within the project,
just create a `templates` directory and add it to


Sweet! Relative paths and it all works and I don’t have to edit my
`TEMPLATE_DIRS` setting whenever I am editing on a work machine (where
the project is in `/Users/dbuxton/my_project`) instead of home (where
the project is in `/Users/david/my_project`).

But it all goes pear-shaped when you move the project to the deployment
platform. There the project is running under mod_python where the notion
of the current working directory is going to be very different. All I
know is my relative paths *do not get resolved* and I wonder if them
Django developers knew a thing or two when they warned me to use
absolute paths.

My current approach to this is to refuse to do what I am told. Instead
one can take advantage of a [Python module’s `__file__` attribute][__file__] to establish where on disk your `` is,
and armed with that knowledge you can construct absolute paths from the
relative settings.


Near the top of `` I have:

import os

INSTALL_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

Then anywhere I need an absolute path in I have something
similar to this:

os.path.join(INSTALL_DIR, ‘templates’),

Shabooba! These paths change according to the value of `INSTALL_DIR`,
and that in turn is determined when the Django project is loaded. When
my project’s templates are sitting on a distant FreeBSD server in
`/home/webapps/django/my_project/templates` mod_python can locate them
just as surely as Django’s development server can locate the folder
`/Users/david/my_project/templates` on my MacBook.

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