Using plists for site-specific Django settings

I have a [Django][django] project that I am going to deploy at several sites, but I need
to tweak the project settings slightly for each site. Specifically I need
different a [EMAIL_HOST address and related settings][emailhost] for sending mail at each

The simplest route is to customize the project as part of the
site deployment, but that will drive you insane when you deploy the wrong
custom-settings to a site.

Another approach is similar to that used by many for switching between settings
when moving between testing / staging / live environments: your ``
has a few lines something like

from sitesettings import *
except ImportError:

so you can over-ride any setting by putting them in a `` file,
and then make sure your deployment never overwrites that site-specific file.

In my case I want to make it easy for the site administrator to customize
the settings, but I am worried that it is too easy for someone who does not
know Python syntax to inadvertently break things by writing a ``
that throws [a `SyntaxError` exception][syntaxerror]. Given the significance of
white-space in Python I feel this would be easy to get wrong.

So I’ve gone for storing the custom settings in Mac OS X’s [property list
format][manplist]. Bless Python for it has [the plistlib module][plistlib] that reads
and writes the simple XML format of property lists.

Here’s my module that imports all properties from a plist straight into the
module’s namespace. This then makes it easy to over-ride Django’s settings
by doing

from plistsettings import *

A couple bits made my lips move during the writing. The contents of `__all__`
are updated dynamically because I wanted to use this with
`from plistingsettings import *` without worrying that my module’s imports
would get clobbered by imports used in the `plistsettings` module. And working
out how to bind keys and values to the module itself is not obvious to me –
it *feels* like one ought to be able to use `self` within the scope of the
module to refer to the module itself. Except you can’t. No biggie.

import os.path
import plistlib
import sys
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

__all__ = []

PLIST_PATH = ‘/Library/Preferences/com.example.plist’

def read_prefs(plist_path):
“””Import settings from preference file into this module’s global namespace.

Returns a dictionary as returned by plistlib.readPlist().
if os.path.exists(plist_path):
prefs = plistlib.readPlist(plist_path)
except ExpatError:

mod = sys.modules[__name__]
global __all__

for key, value in prefs.items():
setattr(mod, key, value)
return prefs


Now if you are the kind of Mac guy who enjoys using `defaults` you can write
out your site-specific settings from the command-line.

defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.example EMAIL_HOST
plutil -convert xml1 /Library/Preferences/com.example.plist

N.B. Mac OS X 10.5 `defaults` uses the binary format by default, so you need
`plutil` to convert it back to XML because `plistlib` does not handle
the binary format.


10.5.7 fixes AppleShare speeds

The recently-released [Mac OS X 10.5.7 update][1057] fixes the atrocious AppleShare transfer speed bug that was introduced by 10.5.6. The problem was that copying files larger than a few hundred kilobytes to certain AppleShare servers (including Mac OS X Server 10.4.11) would go *extremely* slow, and usually fail after a minute.

But copying files from the server to your Mac was hunky dory! Fun.

I like to think the programmers at Apple refuse to consider allowing software to be released until they have written comprehensive tests for regression testing. I like to think I do the same (I don’t, but I respond faster when you want my attention).


Package installer wish

Mac OS X administrators frequently need to build installer packages to
help deploy and manage software on a network of Macs. The motive for
creating a package is one of

* Packaging software that does not have a dedicated installer. This applies
to all the nice drag-and-drop applications like [Firefox][firefox] and
* Packaging your own site’s software, whether that is as simple as printer
descriptions or as complex as a full-blown application.
* Re-packaging some miserable piece of shit installer that either totally
denies the harsh reality of Apple’s non-cross platform installer formats or
which manages to make such a balls of an install package that you were
better off before they bothered.
[Most everything by Adobe is in this category][adobeinstallers].

The first of those three is very common, and it ought to be easy to
create packages for existing installed applications.
[Apple’s PackageMaker][packagemaker] application provides a nice interface
for creating packages, but it has two drawbacks:

* PackageMaker is not installed by default on Mac OS X (it gets intalled as
part of the Developer Tools).
* Before PackageMaker 3 (part of Xcode 3, which requires Mac OS X 10.5)
there was no *simple* method for quickly packaging an installed application.

What I want is a package creation tool that works on a 10.4 system without
requiring the developer tools and which can be scripted. The `packagemaker`
command-line tool requires an existing `Info.plist` file or `.pmdoc` file
if you want to set a custom default installation directory – not the end
of the world, but tedious.

Useful links

* [Iceberg][iceberg] is an excellent graphical tool for building packages, by
Stéphane Sudre who also wrote up the…
* [PackageMaker how-to][pmhowto] which is a very useful introduction to the
details of `.pkg` files. Bit out-of-date these days.
* Man pages for the command-line [packagemaker][man1pm] and for the
[installer][installer] tools.
* Apple’s [software distribution documentation][softdist], which is very
quiet on the subject of custom installer plug-ins. Xcode has a template
project for an installer plugin, and the `InstallerPlugins.framework` headers
have lots of information.
* [Installer-dev mailing list][installerdev], where the people who wrote
the tools and documentation help out a lot.
* [JAMF Composer][composer] which is part of the Casper management tools.
Version 7 is no longer free.


Python features for a PHP refugee

These are things that particularly impressed me
when I decided I had had enough of [PHP][php] and I really ought to look at
[the crazy white-space language called Python][python] that was used by
[Plone][plone], [Trac][trac] and [Django][django].

The [Zen of Python][zen] states most of this in 19 lines, for all you
_tl;dr_ types.

Name-spaces and a minimal set of built-ins

I like that the set of keywords is small, and that the built-in methods are
not much larger. This leaves you with an unpolluted name-space (and if you
enjoy confusing people you can always override the built-ins).

Explicit versus implicit

Related to name-spaces is the notion that Python is explicit: there is very
little magic in a Python script. Perhaps the closest thing to magic are the
various special methods that define a behaviour, for example the `__getattr__`
/ `__setattr__` / `__delattr__` methods on a class to control attribute access.
But even then Python makes it obvious those methods have special meaning by
using a double-underscore for the method names.

See [the page on the data model][special] in the Python documentation for
a description of these methods and their purpose.

Generators and list comprehensions

I never realized how much I missed these until I went back to PHP for a small
web project. So much of my code seems to be looping through lists and
accumulating a result or applying a function to each member of the list. I
don’t think the syntax is particularly obvious, but then I can’t think of a
better way to do it. At first glance generators looked to be the same as
list comprehensions, but eventually I began to understand the difference
between needing a finite list of objects ([list comprehension][listcomp])
and consuming a sequence of objects ([generators][generators]).

Named arguments for methods and functions

Gosh, not having named arguments is painful. As a consumer, named arguments
allow one to forget a function’s precise argument signature, and as a
designer it allows one to provide sensible defaults and flexibility.

Dates and times as a native type

Well, not _native_, but readily available.

[Python’s `datetime` module][datetime] provides representations of calendar
dates and times and a bunch of obvious behaviour for comparing two moments.
PHP 5 introduced a proper DateTime class, but I had jumped ship a while
before then – my affection for Python’s date handling is borne of a time
when one had to rely on PEAR for useful date functions. Converting everything
to seconds since the Unix epoch was never fun.

The greatest annoyance in Python’s date implementation is its shrugging
support for timezones – you nearly always need to resort to a third-party
module ([such as pytz][pytz] or [python-dateutil][dateutil]) to handle
timezones without jeopardizing one’s sanity.

Batteries included

It is odd that one _does_ need an additional module to handle timezones
seeing as the Python standard library includes so many useful modules for
common tasks.

Need to work with [CSV files][csv]? Or [command-line arguments][getopt]?
Or [Mac OS X-style .plist][plistlib] files? Or configuration files in
[INI format][ini]? Or [tar archives][tar] (with gzip or bzip2 compression)?

Oh golly so much tedious work has been done for you in the Python standard
library. I suppose this reflects PHP’s emphasis as a scripting language for
the Web versus Python’s use as a general purpose language, but I am very
grateful for that distinction.


Q and operator.or_

I’ve finally settled on a nice syntax for `OR`-ing [Django Q objects][q].

For a simple site search feature I needed to search for a term across several
fields in a model. Suppose the model looks like this:

class BlogPost(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
body = models.TextField()
summary = models.TextField()

And you have a view method that accepts a parameter `q` for searching across
the `title`, `body` and `summary` fields. I want to find objects that contain
the `q` phrase in any of those fields. I need to build a [`QuerySet`][queryset]
with a filter that is the equivalent of

queryset = BlogPost.objects.filter(
Q(title__icontains=q) | Q(body__icontains=q) | Q(summary__icontains=q)

That’s not too much of a hassle for this simple example, but in cases where
the fields you are searching are chosen dynamically, or where you just have
an awful lot of fields to search against, I think it is nicer to do it like so:

import operator

search_fields = (‘title’, ‘body’, ‘summary’)
q_objects = [Q(**{field + ‘__icontains’:q}) for field in search_fields]
queryset = BlogPost.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, q_objects))

Nice one! The list comprehension gives me a list of `Q` objects generated from
the names in `search_fields`, so it is easy to change the fields to be searched.
And using [`reduce`][reduce] and [`operator.or_`][operator] gives me the
required `OR` filter in one line.

I see for Python 3 `reduce` has been [moved to the `functools` module][functools].

This stuff never used to be that obvious to me. It kind of isn’t even now.

P.S. I promise I am not writing a blog engine at this time, it was just for
the example.


reverse() chicken and egg problem

I wound up in a chicken and egg situation today using [Django’s syndication
framework][syndication] and the [`reverse`][reverse] helper. The problem was
that immediately after starting the development server, Django would throw a
`NoReverseMatch` exception on the first client visit, followed by `AttributeError`
on all subsequent visits.

It all started so innocently… I had wanted a set of urls for my application
like this:

* []() # List view of arrivals
* []() # List view of departures
* []() # Syndication feed for arrivals
* []() # Syndication feed for departures

So I put the following in the application’s ``:

# myapp/
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from views import arrivals_list, departures_list
from feeds import LatestArrivals, LatestDepartures

feed_dict = {‘a’: LatestArrivals, ‘d’: LatestDepartures}

urlpatterns = patterns(”,
(r’^a/$’, arrivals_list, {}, ‘arrivals’),
(r’^d/$’, departures_list, {}, ‘departures’),
(r’^(?P[ad])/feed/$’, ‘django.contrib.syndication.views.feed’, {‘feed_dict’:feed_dict}),

That covers my URL wishes, and because I have named the URL patterns I
can use that name in templates with the [`{% url %} template tag`][urltag]
and in Python code using the `reverse` helper.

So naturally the feed classes in `` look like this:

# myapp/
from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
from models import Tx

class LatestArrivals(Feed):
“””Produces an Atom feed of recent arrival tickets.”””
feed_type = Atom1Feed
title = ‘Arrivals’
link = reverse(‘arrivals’)
subtitle = ‘Most recent arrivals’

def items(self):
return Tx.objects.arrivals()[:10]

class LatestDepartures(Feed):
“””Produces an Atom feed of recent departure tickets.”””
feed_type = Atom1Feed
title = ‘Departures’
link = reverse(‘departures’)
subtitle = ‘Most recent departures’

def items(self):
return Tx.objects.departures()[:10]

Note I used `reverse` on the link attribute of each class so that I can
define the URL in one place, the `` module, and a change there will
be reflected in the feed’s link too.

But this doesn’t work! When Django imports my `` module, it imports
`LatestDepartures` and `LatestArrivals`, and they in turn use `reverse` to
find the named URL patterns – except those names aren’t defined until after
`urlpatterns` has been defined in `` *so Django throws an exception
and never imports my `` module*.

You could work around this either by defining your syndication feeds in an
entirely different `` module. But you can also split up `urlpatterns`
within the same module and import the feed classes after their named URL
patterns have been defined.

Here’s the working `` module:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from views import arrivals_list, departures_list

urlpatterns = patterns(”,
(r’^a/$’, arrivals_list, {}, ‘arrivals’),
(r’^d/$’, departures_list, {}, ‘departures’),

from feeds import LatestArrivals, LatestDepartures
feed_dict = {‘a’: LatestArrivals, ‘d’: LatestDepartures}

urlpatterns += patterns(”,
(r’^(?P[ad])/feed/$’, ‘django.contrib.syndication.views.feed’, {‘feed_dict’:feed_dict}),


Using an object for Django’s ChoiceField choices

I had another thought about [per-instance choices for `forms.ChoiceField`][oldpost].
Instead of overriding the `__init__` method of your form class, you could use
[an object with an `__iter__` method][iter] that returns a fresh iterable each time
it is called.

from django import forms

class LetterChoices(object):
“””Return a random list of max_choices letters of the alphabet.”””
def __init__(self, max_choices=3):
self.max_choices = max_choices

def __iter__(self):
import string, random

return iter((l, l) for l in random.sample(string.ascii_uppercase, self.max_choices))

class LetterForm(forms.Form):
“””Pick a letter from a small, random set.”””
letter = forms.ChoiceField(choices=LetterChoices())

I don’t know if I prefer that style to having a simple function – having to
instantiate the class seems wrong to me, I’d much rather use any callable as
the `choices` argument.


Django test database runner as a context manager

In my last post I mentioned it might be an idea to [wrap up the Django test
database setup / teardown in a context manager][lastpost] for use with [Python’s
`with` statement][pythonwith]. Here’s my first stab, which seems to work.

from contextlib import contextmanager

def test_db_connection():
“””A context manager for Django’s test runner.

For Python 2.5 you will need
from __future__ import with_statement

from django.conf import settings
from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment, teardown_test_environment
from django.db import connection


settings.DEBUG = False
verbosity = 0
interactive = False

old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME
connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity, autoclobber=not interactive)

yield connection

connection.creation.destroy_test_db(old_name, verbosity)

All of this requires Python 2.5 or later.

So with that snippet you could write a test something like so:

import unittest

class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_myModelTest(self):
with test_db_connection():
from myproject.myapp.models import MyModel

obj = MyModel()

… and just as with Django’s ` test` command the objects would be
created within the test database then destroyed when the
`with test_db_connection()` block is finished.

Everything’s going to be hunky dory.


Creating a Django test database for unit testing

I needed to run tests involving a Django application but without using the
` test` management command. So I need my own test suite that
sets up the test database and drops it after, leaving my real database untouched.

As of Django 1.0.2 the default behaviour for the test runner is the [`run_tests`
function in `django.test.simple`][runtests]. Here is the bones of that function
with the required setup and teardown calls.

from django.conf import settings
from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment, teardown_test_environment

verbosity = 1
interactive = True

settings.DEBUG = False
old_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME

from django.db import connection
connection.creation.create_test_db(verbosity, autoclobber=not interactive)

# Here you run tests using the test database and with mock SMTP objects

connection.creation.destroy_test_db(old_name, verbosity)

Hmmm… Wouldn’t this be a good candidate to be wrapped up for use with
[Python 2.5’s `with` statement][with]?


sys.exit(1) versus SystemExit(1)

I used to write Python scripts and have the option parsing go something like this…

if __name__ == “__main__”:
import sys, getopt

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ‘h’, [‘help’])

for opt, val in opts:
if opt in (‘-h’, ‘–help’):
sys.exit(1) # Exit to shell with non-zero result

And then I finally started writing tests for my code, at which point I decided
I need to [`raise SystemExit(1)`][exception] rather than `sys.exit(1)` because I imagined
[Python’s unittest module][unittest] would get bypassed whenever my code called

Except of course I was wrong. [`sys.exit` throws `SystemExit` in turn][sysexit],
so it comes to the same thing from the point of view of `unittest`. Failing to read
documentation is a very bad habit.

But I prefer throwing the exception myself. You don’t have to `import sys` if you
don’t need it, and *it feels prettier* (if I had more Python experience I might say *more Python-ic*).

I used to [smoke, drink and dance the hoochie-coo][saved] too.
