Tag Archives: urlpatterns

Grouping URLs in Django routing

One of the things I liked (and still like) about [Django][django] is that request routing is configured with regular expressions. You can capture positional and named parts of the request path, and the request handler will be invoked with the captured strings as positional and/or keyword arguments.

Quite often I find that the URL patterns repeat a lot of the regular expressions with minor variations for different but related view functions. For example, suppose you want CRUD-style URLs for a particular resource, you would [write an `urls.py`][urls] looking something like:

from django.conf.urls import url, patterns

urlpatterns = patterns(‘myapp.views’,
url(r’^(?P[-\w]+)/$’, ‘detail’),
url(r’^(?P[-\w]+)/edit/$’, ‘edit’),
url(r’^(?P[-\w]+)/delete/$’, ‘delete’),

The `detail`, `edit` and `delete` view functions (defined in `myapp.views`) all take a `slug` keyword argument, so one has to repeat that part of the regular expression for each URL.

When you have more complex routing configurations, repeating the `(?P[-\w]+)/` portion of each route can be tedious. Wouldn’t it be nice to declare that a bunch of URL patterns all start with the same capturing pattern and avoid the repetition?

It _would_ be nice.

I want to be able to write an URL pattern that defines a common base pattern that the nested URLs extend:

from django.conf.urls import url, patterns, group
from myapp.views import detail, edit, delete

urlpatterns = patterns(”,
url(r’^$’, detail),
url(r’^edit/$’, edit),
url(r’^delete/$’, delete),

Of course there is no `group` function defined in Django’s `django.conf.urls` module. But if there were, it would function [like Django’s `include`][include] but act on locally declared URLs instead of a separate module’s patterns.

It happens that this is trivial to implement! Here it is:

from django.conf.urls import url, patterns, RegexURLResolver
from myapp.views import detail, edit, delete

def group(regex, *args):
return RegexURLResolver(regex, args)

urlpatterns = patterns(”,
url(r’^$’, detail),
url(r’^edit/$’, edit),
url(r’^delete/$’, delete),

This way the `detail`, `edit` and `delete` view functions still get invoked with a `slug` keyword argument, but you don’t have to repeat the common part of the regular expression for every route.

There is a problem: it won’t work if you want to use a module prefix string (the first argument to `patterns(…)`). You either have to give a full module string, or use the view objects directly. So you can’t do this:

urlpatterns = patterns(‘myapp.views’,
# Doesn’t work.
url(r’^$’, ‘detail’),

Personally I don’t think this is much of an issue since I prefer to use the view objects, and if you are using [class-based views][cbv] you will likely be using the view objects anyway.

I don’t know if “group” is a good name for this helper function. Other possibilities: “prefix”, “local”, “prepend”, “buxtonize”. You decide.

[django]: https://www.djangoproject.com/
[include]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/ref/urls/#include
[cbv]: http://ccbv.co.uk/
[urls]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/topics/http/urls/

reverse() chicken and egg problem

I wound up in a chicken and egg situation today using [Django’s syndication
framework][syndication] and the [`reverse`][reverse] helper. The problem was
that immediately after starting the development server, Django would throw a
`NoReverseMatch` exception on the first client visit, followed by `AttributeError`
on all subsequent visits.

It all started so innocently… I had wanted a set of urls for my application
like this:

* [http://example.com/a/]() # List view of arrivals
* [http://example.com/d/]() # List view of departures
* [http://example.com/a/feed/]() # Syndication feed for arrivals
* [http://example.com/d/feed/]() # Syndication feed for departures

So I put the following in the application’s `urls.py`:

# myapp/urls.py
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from views import arrivals_list, departures_list
from feeds import LatestArrivals, LatestDepartures

feed_dict = {‘a’: LatestArrivals, ‘d’: LatestDepartures}

urlpatterns = patterns(”,
(r’^a/$’, arrivals_list, {}, ‘arrivals’),
(r’^d/$’, departures_list, {}, ‘departures’),
(r’^(?P[ad])/feed/$’, ‘django.contrib.syndication.views.feed’, {‘feed_dict’:feed_dict}),

That covers my URL wishes, and because I have named the URL patterns I
can use that name in templates with the [`{% url %} template tag`][urltag]
and in Python code using the `reverse` helper.

So naturally the feed classes in `feeds.py` look like this:

# myapp/feeds.py
from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
from models import Tx

class LatestArrivals(Feed):
“””Produces an Atom feed of recent arrival tickets.”””
feed_type = Atom1Feed
title = ‘Arrivals’
link = reverse(‘arrivals’)
subtitle = ‘Most recent arrivals’

def items(self):
return Tx.objects.arrivals()[:10]

class LatestDepartures(Feed):
“””Produces an Atom feed of recent departure tickets.”””
feed_type = Atom1Feed
title = ‘Departures’
link = reverse(‘departures’)
subtitle = ‘Most recent departures’

def items(self):
return Tx.objects.departures()[:10]

Note I used `reverse` on the link attribute of each class so that I can
define the URL in one place, the `urls.py` module, and a change there will
be reflected in the feed’s link too.

But this doesn’t work! When Django imports my `urls.py` module, it imports
`LatestDepartures` and `LatestArrivals`, and they in turn use `reverse` to
find the named URL patterns – except those names aren’t defined until after
`urlpatterns` has been defined in `urls.py` *so Django throws an exception
and never imports my `urls.py` module*.

You could work around this either by defining your syndication feeds in an
entirely different `urls.py` module. But you can also split up `urlpatterns`
within the same module and import the feed classes after their named URL
patterns have been defined.

Here’s the working `urls.py` module:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from views import arrivals_list, departures_list

urlpatterns = patterns(”,
(r’^a/$’, arrivals_list, {}, ‘arrivals’),
(r’^d/$’, departures_list, {}, ‘departures’),

from feeds import LatestArrivals, LatestDepartures
feed_dict = {‘a’: LatestArrivals, ‘d’: LatestDepartures}

urlpatterns += patterns(”,
(r’^(?P[ad])/feed/$’, ‘django.contrib.syndication.views.feed’, {‘feed_dict’:feed_dict}),

[syndication]: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/syndication/
[reverse]: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/#reverse
[urltag]: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#url